Monday, 16 June 2014

The importance of teaching digital literacies


As we have seen in the post "21st Century Students", we, as future teachers, are going to deal with students that are, according to Prensky," Digital Natives". When teachers ask these students to look up for information (to do a practical work, for example) they no longer consult books but (as we all do since the Internet exists) they do websearch. Taking this into account, it is very important to develop "digital literacies" in our students. N.Hockly, talks about digital literacies in the plural because it focus on different aspects: language, connections, information, and (re) design. Information literacy, the the one we analysed in practical work number one in Eco II, is defined by Hockly as not only to the ability to find information from the web but also to evaluate that information before taking it as valid.

In our first practical work my classmates and I chose two websites and analyzed the validity of the information presented by them according to different criteria. The categories we chose to guide our analysis were: Authority, objectivity, Appropriateness and relevance, currency, responsibility, clarity and accessibility.

Doing this practical work makes me realize that I never thought of this before when searching information on the web, and how important it is, as future teachers,to be aware of the relevance of teaching digital literacies to our students. Why? because technology is and will continue to be the new "bibliography" that students use from now onwards. Most of the information they use to solve their school tasks is searched on the web, so it is extremely important that they know how to identify valid information from that which is not, so as to be aware of which information to use and to believe in. This is important to take into account because they can be constructing knowledge on not save ground.

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